Public Water Supply Assistance Program

The Commission recognizes the challenges facing smaller municipal water supply systems to keep abreast of current regulatory requirements, and therefore initiated the Public Water Supply Assistance Program in 2012 to assist small municipal systems in meeting the Commission’s regulatory requirements.

In addition to providing system-specific assistance, the Commission is also offering general outreach and education on regulatory requirements, training on the preparation and implementation of aquifer testing plans, groundwater withdrawal application preparation, and other educational programs specifically for public water supply systems.

See Meetings and Events for upcoming workshops.

Groundwater Renewal Process

Recent Educational Webinar

In this 45-minute presentation, hosted by the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association, Commission staff describe the two-step groundwater renewal process, opportunities for water authorities to receive technical assistance, available and upcoming grant programs, and how planning for the renewal process will save water authorities time and money.

This webinar focused on the Interpretive Hydrogeologic Report requirement for projects that previously met Commission regulation 18 CFR § 806.12 and do not need to complete an Alternative Hydrogeologic Evaluation.

Upcoming Offerings

There are no offerings scheduled at this time. Please check back again soon. Previous PWSAP content can be accessed under the Previous Offerings below.

Previous Offerings