Sampling at Deer Creek


The Commission's work is accomplished by four program areas that collaborate to accomplish the goals of the Commission, which include the enhancement of public welfare through comprehensive planning, water supply allocation, and management of the water resources of the Susquehanna River Basin.

Compliance & Enforcement

The enforcement arm of the Commission's regulatory program, the Compliance & Enforcement Program, maintains and enforces Commission regulations and approved permit (docket) conditions. Site inspections, quarterly reporting requirements, and an extensive project database are some of the essential tools used by the program.

Monitoring & Protection

Monitoring and Protection scientists collect data to better understand the interactions of biological, chemical, and physical traits of streams throughout the Basin. These activities include water quality monitoring for macroinvertebrates, fish, stormwater, nutrient and sediment loadings, and abandoned mine drainage. Key protection efforts include operation of systems that provide real-time monitoring in sensitive watersheds and in the vicinity of drinking water supplies, establishing Total Maximum Daily Load criteria, assessing risks to drinking water sources, and characterizing the cause and extent of impairment to Basin waterways.

Planning & Operations

Planning and Operations provides technical support to the other programs and is tasked with assessing the nature and quantity of water use in the Basin. The Planning and Operations team also leads coordination efforts to help ensure that Basin agencies and residents are prepared to withstand and react to flooding and drought conditions.

Project Review

The permitting arm of the Commission's regulatory program, the Project Review team, receives and reviews applications for water withdrawals and consumptive water use, diversions, makes recommendations to the Commissioners for actions on those applications, and helps to develop key standards guiding how, when, and where the Commission's policies and regulations are exercised.