Watershed Profile: Little Pine Creek near Waterville, PA

Watershed Overview
Little Pine Creek is a tributary of Pine Creek in Lycoming County, PA. Little Pine Creek is formed by the confluence of Blockhouse and Texas Creeks. A dam upstream of the station has created a 94-acre lake for fishing, boating, and swimming. Little Pine Creek enters Pine Creek in the deepest part of the Pine Creek Gorge, also known as the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania, at Waterville, PA.
Drainage Characteristics
  • Drainage Area (square miles): 180.30
  • Total Stream Length (miles): 310.5
  • Average Annual Flow at Station (NHD) (cfs): 251.2
  • Population (2020): 1,693
Stream Classifications (Pennsylvania)
Designation Miles
Cold Water Fisheries 157.51
High-Quality Cold Water Fisheries 149.06
Trout Stocked Fisheries 3.96
Total 310.53
  • Land Use
  • Description Percentage
    Water 0.12
    Developed Open Space 3.22
    Low Urban 0.42
    Medium Urban 0.24
    High Urban 0.06
    Barren 0.23
    Deciduous Forest 43.08
    Coniferous Forest 2.39
    Mixed Forest 36.35
    Shrub Scrub 1.12
    Grassland Herbaceous 0.65
    Pasture/Hay 10.48
    Cropland 0.86
    Wetlands 0.79
Underlying Geology
Rock Type Percentage
Sandstone 99.37
Shale 0.63
Inactive Station
The station is active but not currently transmitting data. Please contact SRBC for more information.
Natural Gas
  • Natural Gas Pads 48
  • Natural Gas Water Withdrawals 0
Public Water Supply Withdrawals
  • Groundwater 19
  • Surface Water 0
NPDES Discharges
Description Count
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation 2
Mining/Quarry 0
Stormwater 1
Wastewater Treatment Plant/Sewage Treatment Plant 1
Other 2
Stream Impairments
Source Category Miles
Acid Mine Drainage Aquatic Life 7.10
Source Unknown Recreational 28.10