Watershed Profile: Chest Creek near Patton, PA

Watershed Overview
Chest Creek flows north and joins the West Branch Susquehanna River near Mahaffey, PA. All of Chest Creek Watershed is contained within northern Cambria and southern Clearfield Counties, PA. The monitoring station is located in the headwaters near Patton, PA.
Drainage Characteristics
  • Drainage Area (square miles): 39.24
  • Total Stream Length (miles): 117.2
  • Average Annual Flow at Station (NHD) (cfs): 72.7
  • Population (2020): 4,012
Stream Classifications (Pennsylvania)
Designation Miles
Cold Water Fisheries 0.41
High-Quality Cold Water Fisheries 116.79
Total 117.20
  • Land Use
  • Description Percentage
    Water 0.10
    Developed Open Space 4.98
    Low Urban 2.05
    Medium Urban 0.45
    High Urban 0.06
    Barren 0.16
    Deciduous Forest 32.28
    Coniferous Forest 5.36
    Mixed Forest 15.05
    Shrub Scrub 0.36
    Grassland Herbaceous 0.38
    Pasture/Hay 21.74
    Cropland 16.02
    Wetlands 1.01
Underlying Geology
Rock Type Percentage
Shale 99.98
Historical Station

This is a historical station. Data were collected between 09/21/2010 and 08/16/2024.

Visit the Historical Station page.

Natural Gas
  • Natural Gas Pads 0
  • Natural Gas Water Withdrawals 0
Public Water Supply Withdrawals
  • Groundwater 19
  • Surface Water 1
NPDES Discharges
Description Count
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation 0
Mining/Quarry 0
Stormwater 2
Wastewater Treatment Plant/Sewage Treatment Plant 0
Other 1
Stream Impairments
Source Category Miles
Acid Mine Drainage Aquatic Life 1.10
Agriculture Aquatic Life 20.50
Erosion from Derelict Land Aquatic Life 2.60
Grazing in Riparian Zones Aquatic Life 5.40
Dam or Impoundment Aquatic Life 1.20