State Representative Districts

The map at left depicts the state representative districts that intersect the Susquehanna River Basin. There are six districts that include 10 members of the Maryland House of Delegates, 14 districts of the New York State Assembly, and 73 districts of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

Largest State Representative Districts within the Susquehanna River Basin (sq. mi.)

  1. PA-68   Clinton Owlett - 1,719
  2. PA-84   Joseph Hamm - 1,544
  3. NY-121 Joe Angelino - 1,539
  4. PA-76   Stephanie Borowicz - 1,127
  5. PA-67   Martin Causer - 1,101
  6. NY-132 Philip Palmesano - 1,100
  7. PA-110 Tina Pickett - 984
  8. PA-81   Rich Irvin - 982
  9. NY-124 Christopher Friend - 927
  10. PA-111 Jonathan Fritz - 890

Click below to learn more about the current state representatives.

Maryland House of Delegates

New York State Assembly

Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Subbasin Maps


GIS Dataset Title State Representative Districts, Susquehanna River Basin
Dataset Description State representative districts for the New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland portions of the Susquehanna River Basin.
Date 2022
Scale 1:24,000
Agency Pennsylvania: PA Legislative Reapportionment Commission
New York: NYS Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment
Maryland: MD Department of Planning
Download GIS Datasets PA House Districts
NY Assembly Districts
MD House Districts
Metadata PA House Districts
NY Assembly Districts
MD House Districts